Grants, Contacts, Centers and Clinics
College of Education Office of Faculty Research Support
Faculty Research Specializations
Natalie Badgett, Ph.D.
- Exploration of factors that promote or hinder sustainable implementation of effective behavioral strategies in applied settings (e.g., educational, healthcare, community settings)
- Development and evaluation of pre-service and in-service professional development relevant to increase capactity among behavior analysts and other professionals to support people with autism and developmental disabilities in diverse applied contexts
- Modifications of research supported behavioral intervention approaches to improve contextual relevance and social validity among people with autism and developmental disabilities and their supporters, with a facus on quality of life as the primary goal of applied behavior analysis
Chris Bischke, Ph.D.
- Children who are blind or visually impaired
- The Impact of the Transition to Unified English Braille and Braille Instructional Strategies
- Teachers of Students with Visual Impairments Self-Efficacy
- Family Support and Education
Sarah Ivy, Ph.D.
- Young learners with deafblindness
- Communication development for young learners using tangible forms of augmentative and alternative communication
- Evidence-based practices to increase functional academic, daily living, and communication skills
Matt Jameson, Ph.D.
- Inclusive Education Practices
- Embedded Instruction
- Instructional Technology
- Distance Education
- Special Education Law
- Positive Behavior Supports
Susan Johnston, Ph.D.
- Augmentative and Alternative Communication
- Early Communication and Language Intervention
- Emerging Literacy
- Early Childhood Special Education
Sharlene Kiuhara, Ph.D.
- Developing interventions that improve teaching practices and learning outcomes for K-12 students who have high-incidence disabilities
- Investigating the effects of using the Self-Regulated Strategy Development framework (a strategic approach for developing written expression skills and self-regulation of the writing process) for constructing arguments within a multi-tiered system of instructional supports in language arts, math, and science classrooms.
Breda O'Keeffe, Ph.D.
Academic and behavioral supports for culturally and lingustically diverse stuents
- Assessment for students with and at-risk for mild/moderate disabilities
- Reading assessment and intervention
- Supports for Special Education Paraeducators and Teachers
Nicole Pilling, Ph.D.
- Collaboration among Deaf Educators and Related Service Providers
- Inclusive Education Practice for studetns who are Deaf and Hard of Hearing
- Assessment for students who are Deaf & Hard of Hearing
Shamby Polychronis, Ph.D.
- Post-School Outcomes for Students with Cognitive Disabilities
- Family Support Services
- Individual Rights for People with Disabilities
- Inclusive Education
Sondra Stegenga, Ph.D.
- Early social-emotional assessment and intervention with a specialized focus on infants and toddlers with disabilities and their
- Interdisciplinary and interagency collaboration in home and community systems serving young children and their families
Kathleen Strickland-Cohen, Ph.D.
- Designing inclusive educational environments to ensure success for all students, including those with targeted and individualized needs
- Training school professionals to design and implement individualized behavior support plans
- Enhancing factors associated with sustained implementation of PBIS in districts and schools
- Building family-school partnership within a PBIS framework