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Visual Impairments License Endorsement (K-12)

The Visual Impairments specialization covers a range of topics such as the Unified English Braille code, Assistive Technology for Students with Visual Impairments, and the Expanded Core Curriculum. Candidates learn how to support their students in developing social skills, succeeding academically, and more.

Teacher Education Core (3 credit hours)

Number Course Name Credits Term

Choose One

SP ED 5021

Principles of Assessment and Data-Based Decision Making

3 Fall, Spring, Summer

SP ED 5022

Principles of Instruction & Behavior Support

3 Fall, Spring, Summer

SP ED 5040

Legal & Policy Foundations of Special Education

3 Spring, Summer

Specialization in Visual Impairments (K-12) (30-32 credit hours)

Number Course Name Credits Term

SP ED 5410

Introduction to Visual Impairments

Pre-requisite for ALL VI Specialization Courses

1 Summer

SP ED 5420

Social and Psychological Implications of Visual Impairments 

2 Summer

SP ED 5435

Early Literacy for Young Children with Visual Impairments



(offered even years)

SP ED 5441

Literary Braille Codes

3 Fall

SP ED 5442

Advanced Braille Codes and Abacus Instruction

Pre-requisite SP ED 5441 

3 Spring

SP ED 5460

Introduction to Orientation and Mobility

2 Summer

SP ED 5470

Instructional Management for Students with Visual Impairments

Pre-requisites SP ED 5410, 5420, 5430, 5441, 5443, 5450, 5460

3 Spring

SP ED 5495

Understanding the Brain CVI and TVI



(offered odd years)

SP ED 5480

Assistive Technology for Students with Visual Impairments

Pre-requisites SP ED 5410, 5441, 5442

3 Summer

SP ED 5500

Student Teaching: Students with Visual Impairments (5-21)

Students completing initial licensure register for 7 credits; students currently holding a Utah
teaching license register for 5 credits.

5-7 Fall, Spring

Taken Concurrently

SP ED 5430

Ocular Disorders and Examination Techniques

2 Fall

SP ED 5432

Educational Implications for Individuals with Low Vision

2 Fall
Last Updated: 5/9/24