Project TRIMM
Teacher Recruiting in Mild/Moderate Licensure
The Teacher Recruiting in Mild/Moderate (TRIMM) Licensure project has scholarships available for undergraduate and graduate students seeking initial licensure in Special Education with Mild/Moderate specialization.
TRIMM Scholarships are supported with IDEA funds from the Utah State Board of Education to address the critical shortage of teachers serving students with mild/moderate disabilities in Utah.
TRIMM Scholarships are made on a competitive basis and provide up to 2 years of funding for the following students:
Up to $12,000
for graduate students each year
Up to $7,500
for undergraduate students each year
Up to $7,500
for students seeking Licensure Only
Eligible Applicants
Candidates must be on track to complete their program requirements for their initial teaching license with a Bachelor's degree, teaching license with a Master's degree, or a teaching license only.