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Deafblind Master's Program

Grades K-12

This program prepares teachers to work with children and youth who have both hearing and vision impairments. Teachers with this specialty can work in different settings, like schools or specialized programs, and help a variety of children, including those who are deafblind. The program teaches candidates how to meet the unique and intensive needs of this population. In addition to learning about deafblindness, candidates also take classes in different areas, like American Sign Language and other disabilities. Teachers who complete this program can get an endorsement in Deafblindness in Utah, which means they're experts in this area and can help children with this disability in many ways.

M.Ed. with a License Course Requirements

41-69 total credit hours

Teacher Education Core (22 credit hours)

Students who hold a valid Utah teaching license in Special Education may not need to complete the following courses. Check with your faculty advisor.

Number Course Name Credits Term
SP ED 6021

Principles of Assessment and Data-Based Decision Making 

3 Fall, Spring, Summer
SP ED 6022

Principles of Instruction & Behavior Support

3 Fall, Spring, Summer
SP ED 6030

Functional Communication and Language Development

3 Fall, Spring
SP ED 6040

Legal & Policy Foundations of Special Education

3 Spring, Summer
ED PS 6315

Reading Methods K-3 (Upper Division Communication/Writing Requirement)

3 Summer
EDU 6316

Reading Practicum K-3: Next Steps

1 Contact Department
EDU 6314 Reading Practicum K-3: Early Steps

May be taken after or concurrently with ED PS 6315

1 Contact Department

ED PS 6321

Reading Methods II: K-6 (Upper Division Communication and Writing)

Pre-requisite ED PS 6315 – May be taken prior to or concurrently with EDU 6321

3 Contact Department
EDU 6321

Reading Practicum 4-6: Higher Steps

May be taken after or concurrently with ED PS 6321

1 Contact Department

Choose One of These Two Courses

SP ED 5011

Inclusive Early Childhood and Elementary Classrooms

3 Spring
SP ED 5012

Teaching Students with Disabilities in Inclusive Secondary Classrooms

3 Ask Advisor

Specialization in Deafblind (36 credit hours)

Students who have previously taken comparable classes may have some coursework waived. Check with your faculty advisor.

Number Course Name Credits Term
SP ED 6455

Advanced Assessment and Instructional Design for Learners who are Deafblind

3 Summer
SP ED 6465

Fundamentals of Orientation and Mobility for Teachers of Children who are Deafblind

3 Summer
SP ED 6440

Literary Braille Code for Early Childhood Special Educators

2 Fall
SP ED 6450 Teaching Children Who Are Deafblind  3 Contact Department
ASL 1010

Beginning American Sign Language I

4 Fall
SP ED 6520

Audiology and Listening Technology for Teachers of Students Who are
Deaf or Hard of Hearing

3 Fall
SP ED 6260

Transdisciplinary Approaches for Students with Severe Disabilities

3 Spring
SP ED 6452

Practicum I: Supervised Field Work with Learners who are Deafblind

4 Contact Department
SP ED 6750

Student Teaching with Children and Youth who are Deafblind

7 Spring

SP ED 6430

Ocular Disorders and Examination Techniques

Taken concurrently with SP ED 6432

2 Fall
SP ED 6432

Educational Implications for Individuals with Low Vision

Taken concurrently with SP ED 6430

2 Fall

Advanced Graduate Core (5 credit hours)

Number Course Name Credits Term
SP ED 6054

Professional Writing in Education

2 Fall, Spring, Summer
SP ED 5455/6455

Introduction to Research Design

3 Summer

Questions? Ask our Program Contacts

Kaitlin Lindsey

Academic Advisor

Sarah Ivy

Associate Professor
Program Coordinator 

Last Updated: 2/24/25