Course, Seminar, and Internship Descriptions
Special Education Ph.D. Program
I. Special Education Research (34-35 Credit Hours)
Doctoral Colloquium (2 credit hours)
SpEd 7030 (2) - Doctoral Colloquium. Overview of doctoral study in special education with emphasis on academic research, teaching, and service.
Research Design and Analysis (16-17 credit hours)
SpEd 7010 (3) - Group Design and Research Analysis. Principles of small and large group research design, selection of appropriate data analysis procedures, interpretation of results, and guidelines governing ethical scientific inquiry.
SpEd 7020 (3) - Single Subject Research Design. Application of single/within-subject principles and strategies in educational research. Critical issues in the design, implementation, and analysis of single-subject research.
Ed Ps 7010¹ (3) - Quantitative Methods I: Foundations of Inferential Statistics, or Nursing 7201² (4) Statistics I. Elementary probability theory, measures of central tendency and variability, sampling distributions, point and interval estimation, hypothesis testing, power, and effect sizes.
¹ Students enrolling in Ed Ps 7010 Fall Semester must enroll in Ed Ps 7020 Spring Semester
² Students enrolling in Nursing 7201 Fall Semester must enroll in Nursing 7202 Spring Semester
Ed Ps 7020 (5) - Quantitative Methods II: Anova and Multiple Regression, or Nursing 7202 (3) Statistics II. Analysis of variance for between-group, within-subject, mixed, and hierarchical designs. Fixed and random effect models, effect sizes, and planned and post hoc comparisons. Includes computer exercises.
Qualitative Research Course (3) (Ed Ps 7420 or other course approved by advisor).
Applied Research Skills (12 credit hours)
SpEd 7910 Early Research I (3)
SpEd 7915 Early Research II (3)
Practical experiences in developing, collecting, and writing up analysis of research
data under the direction and supervision of university faculty (6 credit hours are
spread over two semesters—3 credit hours each semester)
SpEd 7920 Research Internship I (3)
SpEd 7925 Research Internship II (3) (Prerequisites Early Research I and II). Student-initiated research experiences
in developing, collecting, and analyzing research data in primary emphasis area. (6
credit hours are spread over two semesters—3 credit hours each semester)
Extramural Funding Seminar and Internship (4 credit hours)
SpEd 7115 (2) Principles of Extramural Funding. Obtaining extramural grants in special education, including funding sources, proposal development, and grants management.
SpEd 7125 (2) - Extramural Funding Internship. Development of a grant proposal for public or private agencies under the supervision of university faculty.
II. University Teaching (8 Credit Hours)
University Teaching Seminar and Internship (5 Credit Hours)
SpEd 7810 University Teaching Seminar (2) Practical, philosophical, and ethical issues in teaching in higher education. Focus on effective practices in instruction for adult learners, developing courses and practica in special education.
SpEd 7121 University Teaching Internship (3). Internship in university teaching under faculty supervision.
Teacher Education Field Supervision (3 Credit Hours)
SpEd 7930 Teacher Education Field Supervision (3). Internship in supervising teacher licensure candidates in special education.
III. Professional Service and Community Outreach (6 Credit Hours)
Professional Service and Outreach Internships
SpEd 7935 Professional Service and Outreach Internship I (3)
SpEd 7940 Professional Service and Outreach Internship II (3)
Internships in service to the university and community-based outreach activities. (6 credit hours are spread over two semesters—3 credit hours each semester)
SpEd 7111 Disability Policy and Law (2) Examines current issues in disability law; also examines the development and implementation of public policy.
Sp Ed 7112 Disabilities and Diversity (2) This course focuses on the intersections of disability, diversity, and culture. The intent of this course is to examine the ways that the discourse surrounding disability is influenced by race and culture.
Sp Ed 7113 Inclusive Education (2) Examination of educational reform initiatives on the development of inclusive educational programs for student with disabilities. Models and strategies for improving the effectiveness of inclusive educational programs are examined.
Sp Ed 7114 Social and Behavior Supports in School Setting (2) Describe, implement, and evaluate critical components of effective school wide management and support systems.
V. Dissertation Research (17 Credit Hours)
Doctoral Dissertation Proposal
SpEd 7970 Preparation of the Doctoral Proposal (3). Development of a doctoral dissertation research proposal under the supervision of the chair of the student's graduate supervisory committee.
Doctoral Dissertation
Special Education 7971 (14) - Dissertation Research Implementation of dissertation research and reporting of the results of dissertation research under the supervision of the student's graduate supervisory committee.
Ph.D. Program in Special Education
Scope and Required Sequence
(Based on Three Year Full-Time Enrollment)³
Year One
Fall Semester Year One
SpEd 7030 Doctoral Colloquium (2 cr) (First Term)
SpEd 7910 Early Research Experience I (3 cr)
EdPs 7010 Quantitative Methods I (3 cr)
or Nursing 7201 Statistics I (4 cr)
SpEd 7810 University Teaching Seminar (2 cr)
SpEd 7111 Disability Policy and Law (2 cr)
Total Credit Hours: 12-13
Spring Semester Year One
SpEd 7915 Early Research Experience II (3 cr)
Ed Ps 7020 Quantitative Methods II (5 cr)
or Nursing 7202 Statistics II (3 cr)
SpEd 7020 Single Subject Research Design (3 cr)
SpEd 7113 Inclusive Education (2)
Total Credit Hours 11-13
Summer Semester Year One (Optional)
Interdisciplinary Course(s) or Independent Study (3-6 cr) (See graduate advisor to obtain course number[s])
Year Two
Fall Semester Year Two
SpEd 7115 Principles of Extramural Funding (2 cr)
SpEd 7125 Extramural Funding Internship (2 cr)
SpEd 7010 Group Design and Research Analysis (3 cr)
SpEd 7920 Research Internship I (3 cr)
SpEd 7121 University Teaching Internship (3 cr)
or SpEd 7930 Teacher Education Field Supervision (3cr)
Sp Ed 7112 Disabilities and Diversity (2)
Total Credit Hours: 15
Completion of Qualifying Examination for Admission to Candidacy
Spring Semester Year Two
SpEd 7930 Teacher Education Field Supervision (3 cr) or
SpEd 7121 University Teaching Internship (3 cr)
SpEd 7925 Advanced Research Internship II (3 cr)
Qualitative Research Course (3 cr--such as Ed Ps 7420)
(must be approved by advisor)
SpEd 7970 Preparation of Doctoral Dissertation Proposal (3 cr)
SpEd 7114 Social and Behavior Supports in School Setting (2)
Total Credit Hours: 14
Summer Semester Year Two (Optional)
Interdisciplinary Course(s) or Independent Study (3-6 cr)
Year Three
Fall Semester Year Three
SpEd 7935 Professional Service and Outreach Internship I (3 cr)
SpEd 7971 Dissertation Research I (7 cr)
Total Credit Hours: 10
Spring Semester Year Three
SpEd 7940 Professional Service and Outreach Internship II (3 cr)
SpEd 7971 Dissertation Research II (7 cr)
Total Credit Hours: 10
³ Some research courses and seminars are only offered every other year and scheduling needs for individual students may vary. Students should check with their advisors to make needed schedule adjustments.